QUARTZ    Gallery                       Return to Quartz page.                  Click on image for larger view
Quartz is one of the most popular species for New Hampshire mineral collectors. It is found in many different varities including clear, milky, smoky, amethyst (purple-lavender), rose, and the botryoidal form chalcedoney.
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QUARTZ    Parker Mtn. Mine, Center Strafford, NH
6 cm specimen. 4 cm milky stem with 1.2 cm smoky scepter termination

Species:           QUARTZ   
Locality:          Parker Mtn. Mine, Center Strafford, NH
Specimen Size: 6 cm specimen. 4 cm milky stem with 1.2 cm smoky scepter termination
Field Collected: Neil Santerre
Catalog No.: A Neil Santerre collection specimen
Notes: .
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QUARTZ    Parker Mtn. Mine, Center Strafford, NH
2.5 mm smoky scepter termination

Species:           QUARTZ   
Locality:          Parker Mtn. Mine, Center Strafford, NH
Specimen Size: 2.5 mm smoky scepter termination
Field Collected: Dana Morong
Catalog No.: A Dana Morong collection specimen
Notes: .
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QUARTZ    Parker Mtn. Mine, Center Strafford, NH
1.7 mm smoky scepter termination

Species:           QUARTZ   
Locality:          Parker Mtn. Mine, Center Strafford, NH
Specimen Size: 1.7 mm smoky scepter termination
Field Collected: Dana Morong
Catalog No.: A Dana Morong collection specimen
Notes: .
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QUARTZ    Streeter Hill Fluorite Prospect, Chesterfield, NH
8 cm specimen with druze of 2 - 3 mm clear quartz crystals on milky quartz

Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:          Streeter Hill Fluorite Prospect, Chesterfield, NH
Specimen Size: 8 cm specimen with druze of 2 - 3 mm clear quartz crystals on milky quartz.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer - 2006
Catalog No.: Secondary collection
Notes: The Streeter Hill prospect is a Morrill locality, listed in slashes under Westmoreland.
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QUARTZ    Palermo Mine, N. Groton, NH
5.8 cm tall cluster of quartz crystals.
Species:           Quartz  
Locality:          Palermo Mine, N. Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 5.8 cm tall cluster of quartz crystals.
Field Collected: Dana Jewell
Catalog No.: TBC
Notes: Dozens of micro, red oxide stained, montebrasite crystals are present on this specimen.
From a flat of Palermo rocks donated by Dana Jewel at the November, 2014 Micromounters of New England meeting.
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QUARTZ    Moat Mtn., Hales Location, NH
7.5 cm double terminated, Tessin habit, crystal
Species:           QUARTZ  
Locality:          Moat Mtn., Hales Location, NH
Specimen Size: 7.5 cm double terminated, Tessin habit, crystal
Field Collected: Ex. Gene Bearss
Catalog No.: 2003
Notes: Lower termination end has multiple points.
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